Terms & Conditions


In the terms and conditions below the use of "us/we/our" refers to Cricket Tikes Ltd (hereafter referred to as "Cricket Tikes") and a reference to "you"™ is as the parent/carer of the child participating in Cricket Tikes classes.

Please read these terms and conditions carefully. They shall be deemed to have been accepted by you once the box is ticked during the online booking process and confirmation of the payment of Fees and/or Subscriptions has been received by us.


Cricket Tikes term fees have been replaced by a cost effective monthly membership plan which conveniently spreads the cost of all our weekly classes delivered throughout the year (excluding camps and special events). Provided you maintain your monthly membership payments, no further term fees are due and you will automatically be rebooked into the next term without the need to re-enter your payment details. We will send out term dates in advance of each new term and your booking confirmation will include all the necessary details of date, time and venue. Membership payments are taken via direct debit from your credit / debit card on the 1st of every month. Please note that in order to pass on these savings, your subscriptions are payable during school holiday months where no lessons are taking place. Should you wish to cancel your membership, we require a term's notice in writing (via email) to break the contract with Cricket Tikes.

Weekly Classes

Cricket Tikes classes usually last for 40-45 minutes / Cricket Tikes Academy classes usually last 50-55 minutes and are held during term times throughout the year. We operate three terms a year, usually between 8 - 10 weeks long (mirroring school terms as closely as possible) and send out our term dates in advance of each new term.

Changing Classes: Times and Venues

Occasionally there may be a need for us to change the venue or time of your class. This will be avoided where possible, however on the occasion that this is necessary, notice will be given. If a venue has closed or if the numbers in a class have become too small, alternative options will be offered. In this event we will not be responsible for any additional travel expenses you may accrue.

Adverse Weather

If there is inclement weather and the coach is able to attend the session, the class will take place. If however, the venue is shut or the coach is unable to get to the venue, we will endeavour to organise a catch-up class. Whilst every effort will be made to accommodate you, we are not obligated to offer alternative classes or a refund if you chose not to attend during the period of inclement weather.

Summer Camps / Special Events

All paragraphs contained within our Terms and Conditions will apply to our Summer Camps and Special Events, however and additionally, please be aware of the following:

If a class (or classes) has to be cancelled due to inclement weather or for any other reason, we will use our best endeavours to contact you prior to them starting. Communication will be via telephone, text, email or Social Media. We will where possible, revert to any backup option or reserve dates and advise you of such. Please note that we are under no obligation to refund (or credit) if we provide a reserve date or alternative option (i.e. indoor or other backup option) and / or if you are unable to attend. If a reserve date or backup option cannot be provided, in the first instance we will offer you a credit towards a catch-up class to be redeemed during our next term as follows:

Cancelled 0 - 30 minutes of starting = 2 credits
Cancelled 30 - 60 minutes of starting = 1 credit
1 credit = 1 class (40 mins)
Should you wish not to accept the credit offered as above, refunds will be calculated as follows (on the basis of a 2 hour class):
Cancelled 0 - 15 minutes of starting = 100%
Cancelled 15 - 30 minutes of starting = 75%
Cancelled 30 - 45 minutes of starting = 50%
Cancelled 45 - 60 minutes of starting = 25%
Cancelled after 60 minutes of starting = 0%


One-off trial classes can occasionally be booked (subject to availability) via our website. Following your trial session, you will receive an invitation (via email) asking whether you would like to accept or decline the place in the class. We kindly ask that you respond within 48 hours. If we have not received your booking confirmation within 48 hours, then a space in the class will not be allocated to you and your provisional space may be re-allocated.

Setup Fees / Provision of Membership

There is a one-off registration fee of £30 when you first join us. As part of your membership, your child is provided with a Cricket Tikes polo shirt. We shall bring this to your first class (subject to availability). We will not resupply any item free of charge unless it is deemed defective.

Cancellation of Subscription

Should you wish to cancel your Cricket Tikes monthly membership plan, you must provide us with one term's notice in writing (via email to bookings@crickettikes.co.uk) to break the contract with us. Your subscription will immediately revert to a per class cost of £17 for Cricket Tikes classes / £26 for Cricket Tikes Academy classes and you will be liable to have paid (the term you are leaving) in full plus a cancellation charge of one month's membership payment, before your payment plan is terminated. If we are unable to collect your monthly subscription payment on the 1st of the month we will attempt to take payment 3 days later, and then 5 days thereafter. After which, we will attempt to phone and e-mail you explaining that the insurance for your child is void unless payment is received. Unfortunately, if we do not have contact from you following this, we will have no choice but to cancel your subscription and class place for your child. Please contact the office on 020 8429 8625 promptly to resolve any issues.


Whilst every effort will always be made to try to accommodate you, it is important to note that we are under no obligation to transfer your child to another class, or refund either in part or in whole course fees or subscriptions, should your child fall ill or for any other reason.


Wherever possible, the same coaches will be running the weekly classes. However, there may be occasions where that is not possible. We retain the right to change our coaching staff where necessary (with or without notice). All lead Cricket Tikes coaches will usually be ECB Level 2 (UKCC2). Assistant coaches will usually be ECB Level 1 (UKCC1). Occasionally, there may be trainee coaches observing or participating in the classes. This is part of our ongoing training programme.

Parent/Carer Obligation

Please ensure that information provided to us is kept up to date and valid at all times by checking your Parent Account regularly with Class4Kids (online). To ensure you receive our emails, we recommend that you add bookings@class4kids.co.uk and bookings@crickettikes.co.uk to your address book and Safe Sender Lists. All responsibility for the child participating in our classes remains with the you during the session and whilst on the premises. This also relates to general conduct and care. You must remain on site before and during the session. Please do not attend a class if you or your child is suffering with an illness which could be infectious or contagious and anything similar.

Medical Conditions

Please note any medical conditions at the point of entry or update the office if any medical conditions become apparent. This includes any behavioural disorders. All information will be kept strictly confidential.

Data Protection

All data provided will be collected and held in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Data Protection laws. By providing your details, you agree to the holding of this data for the purposes of running successful Cricket Tikes classes.

Health and Safety

The health and safety of you, your child and our coaches are paramount. Please ensure that all rules of the venue and the sessions are adhered to at all times. We operate a no food policy - bringing food, fruit or snacks (of any kind) is not permitted at or in any of our venues during termly classes.


The content of our classes is proprietary and has been carefully designed to augment children's confidence through fun, encouragement and by creating stimulating environments which compliment the development of (KS1/KS2) fundamental movement skills including throwing, catching, jumping, striking, running, agility, balance and coordination. You must not divulge anything to a company or third-party who may operate in a similar or same activity as Cricket Tikes. Any material supplied must not be reproduced in any way either by you or by a third party to whom you are connected.


We are committed to ensuring good safeguarding principles and practice. If you have a question or concern regarding child welfare, please contact the office and ask to speak to our welfare officer.

Video and Photography 

We do not permit video being taken during our classes, nor the reproduction of our classes in any form whatsoever. Whilst we understand you may wish to take photos of your child taking part in a class, we would ask you to please remain sensitive and respectful to the feelings of others. If a parent/carer of another child is not comfortable with photos being taken, please desist immediately. We cannot be held liable for the actions of third parties and this excludes therefore, any liability arising from a breach of this section by any party.

Withdrawal of Service

There is an expectation that all parents and carers of children attending our classes will act in an appropriate way. If there is a feeling that there is too much coaching from the side lines or unreasonable involvement or interference in the class, we reserve the right to ask you to leave the course with immediate effect. 

Limitation of Liability

In the absence of a lack of due diligence, breach of duty or the proven negligence by our coaches or employees, the participation at sessions by you, your child and for those that are in your care is done so entirely at yours and their own risk.

This contract shall be governed by English law.

Changes to Terms and Conditions

Cricket Tikes reserves the right to make changes or updates to these terms and conditions at any time. If there are changes, we will publish these on our website and/or email you. Whilst you are at liberty to not accept the updated terms and conditions, we would ask that you write to us (via email at bookings@crickettikes.co.uk) within 14 days of receipt notifying us of your non-acceptance. If no written notice of non-acceptance is received, we will be entitled to believe that your agreement with us is as set out in the new terms and conditions.


I have read, understood and agree to the terms and conditions as stated above. I will update you of new contact details or any medical conditions as necessary.

I understand that by accepting these terms and conditions I will abide by the rules and regulations in respect of health and safety and behaviour whilst attending a Cricket Tikes class.

Cricket Tikes is a trading name of Cricket Tikes Limited. Registered in England & Wales. No.10561814.